

时间:2024-03-16 18:33


爆火言情小说《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》正在火热连载中,这本小说是由作者残痕倾情力创的作品,故事里的主人公分别是程处默李世民,其主要内容讲 述了...……


《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》 第19章 免费试读


Then he asked the minister why Duke Huo's name was above his。

随后便质问臣,为何霍国公的名字排在他的名字之上Minister will be the reason for all said。

臣便将原因一五一十的说了After the minister finished speaking, he accidentally slipped the tongue and taunted the Prime minister, who was second in the ranking。

臣说完之后,不小心口误,奚落一下身为榜二的宰相大人First the prime minister was furious, rebuked the minister, and then told the minister that he was the head of the officials, and should set an example for them。

宰相大人先是大怒,斥责了臣,而后便告诉臣,他身为百官之首,当为百官做表率Then the prime minister donated two thousand cattles of food。

而后宰相大人便捐粮俩千担Your Majesty, this is the case, the two state princes are dedicated to the country and the people, are my humerus ministers of the Tang Dynasty。

陛下,事情就是这样,俩位国公一心为国为民,都是我大唐的肱骨之臣呀Cheng Mo slowly finish, will be his pit grandchild no taboo past。

程处默缓缓说完,将自己坑长孙无忌之事掠过But Li Shimin after listening to it, he imagined the plot of the long Sun Wuji at the process of Mo pit。

可是李世民听完后,自己便脑补了程处默坑长孙无忌的情节Li Shimin suddenly happy, he looked at the process of Mo with interest。

李世民顿时乐了,他饶有兴致的看着程处默This little boy, at such a young age, is playing two of my princes around。

这个臭小子,小小年纪,竟然就将朕的俩个国公耍的团团转Ha-ha哈哈This stomach of bad water is with his father's plan bite gold。

这一肚子坏水倒是随了他爹程咬金呀Using the feud between two people, false name, then let these two people donate three thousand burdens of food。

利用二人间的世仇,虚名,便让这二人捐粮三千担This boy, is a good hand to play with the heart。

这小子,倒是个玩弄人心的好手呀In time, when I will polish it well, I will surely become my good helper。

假以时日,待朕好好将其打磨打磨,定然能成为朕的好帮手呀Looking at Li Shimin staring at his more and more bright eyes。

看着李世民盯着自己越来越亮的双眼Cheng place Mo suddenly feel his chrysanthemum a cold。

程处默突然感觉自己菊花一阵恶寒【 OMG 】【卧槽】This Li Er will not really have Longyang good。

【这李二不会真的有龙阳之好吧】No, I have to find an excuse to run away。

【不行,自己得赶紧找个借口溜之大吉】Cheng Mo's voice again appeared in the mind of Li Shimin, Li Shimin suddenly face black down。

程处默的心声再次出现在了李世民的脑海之中,李世民顿时脸色黑了下来Tie呔This little son of a bitch。

这个小王八蛋And say I have the best of Longyang。

竟然又说朕有龙阳之好I'll take care of you看朕不好好收拾收拾你。

Whiff of嘶Just looking for an excuse to take care of this kid。

只是找什么借口收拾这臭小子呢The boy raised 3,000 catchers of grain in one day。

这小子一日内便筹粮三千担It is also made a great contribution, in the face of Fangxuanling with Du Ruhui, he dealt with the hero without reason, how should they see me。

倒是也立了大功,这当着房玄龄跟杜如晦的面,自己无故处置功臣,他们二人该怎么看朕Whiff of嘶。

By the way, he can write poetry对了,他不是能作诗吗。

I will test him this, I do not believe that this boy can really in ten minutes, three consecutive masterpiece。

朕就考他这个,朕绝不信这小子真能十分钟内,连成三首传世佳作Quiet night thought, see Lushan waterfall, will enter the wine。

静夜思,看庐山瀑布,将进酒Each poem can be called a masterpiece。

每一首诗都堪称传世佳作The boy must have copied one of our famous works。

这小子定然是抄袭了某位大家的名作I'll use it to spite the boy。

朕就拿这个来刁难这小子Well, I'm going to whip this boy a few times today。

哼哼,今天朕一定抽这臭小子几鞭子不可Cheng Chu-mo程处默I have one more question for you。

朕还有一事要问你Li Shimin finished, eyes suddenly narrowed。

李世民说完,双眼顿时眯起【 I fuck 】【我擦】[This Li Er why ask it endless。

]【这李二怎么问起来没完没了呢】【 Is not sick 】【是不是有病】Little master I made such a great contribution, you would like to reward little Master some gold and silver treasures first。

【小爷我立了这么大的功,你倒是先赏小爷点金银财宝呀】Hear Cheng Mo's voice, Li Er suddenly a spasm of mouth。

听到程处默的心声,李二顿时嘴角一阵抽搐This little boy这臭小子And a rich man。

还是个财迷Your Majesty, I will tell you everything I know。

陛下请问,臣定知无不言Cheng Mo respectful finish, Li Shimin from his waist off a piece of jade。

程处默恭敬的说完,李世民从自己腰间摘下一块玉佩Then holding the jade in the hand to play, looking at the cheng Mo laughed。

而后拿着玉佩在手中把玩,看着程处默笑了起来Hehe呵呵I ask you, quiet night thinking, looking at the Lushan waterfall, will enter the wine these three excellent works are really you in ten minutes。

朕问你,静夜思,望庐山瀑布,将进酒这三首佳作真是你十分钟内连作而出Li Shimin discourse landing, cheng Mo instant long breath。

李世民话语落地,程处默瞬间长长出了一口气Fangxuanling with Du Ruhui also look curious to the process of mo。

房玄龄跟杜如晦也均神色好奇的看向了程处默【 Whew 】【呼】Scared to death。

What did you think you were going to ask。

It turned out to be such a stupid thing。

【吓死小爷了小爷还以为你要问啥原来是这么个破事】Isn't it three poems, the small master just wants to keep a low profile, or ten minutes the small master I make him ten capital no problem。

【不就是三首诗吗,小爷就是想低调,要不十分钟小爷我连作他十首都没问题】Li two heard cheng Mo, suddenly frown a pick。

李二听闻程处默心声,顿时眉头一挑Is this guy serious这小子是认真的吗。

Ten songs in ten minutes十分钟作十首A boring work indeed, Your Majesty, but not a good one。

陛下,确实是臣无聊之作,倒是谈不上佳作To Your Majesty's delight。

让陛下见笑了Cheng Mo a face of humility to say that, Li Shimin fangxuanling Du as obscure three people look at each other, have leng in place。

程处默一脸谦卑的说完,李世民房玄龄杜如晦三人对视一眼,纷纷愣在原地Be free of无。

A boring piece无聊之作Are you laughing见笑了'Your Majesty。

陛下I think, this Cheng place Mo these poems must have plagiarized。

臣以为,这程处默这几首诗定然抄袭而来I also have a lot of research on poetry, these three poems, especially the Will enter the wine can be called God's work。

臣对诗词一道也颇有研究,这三首诗,尤其是那《将进酒》简直可称之为神作It can definitely be said that the ancients cannot be seen before and the comers cannot be seen after。

绝对可以说是前不见古人后不见来者Cheng Chu-mo程处默Tell me, which of these three poems did you copy。

快说,这三首诗,你究竟抄袭哪位大家之作Fangxuanling suddenly step out, directed at the process of mo questioned。

房玄龄顿时一步踏出,冲着程处默质问道'Yes不错I don't believe it either。

臣也不相信How can these three wonderful poems be written in ten minutes。

这三首绝妙诗作怎么可能在十分钟内作出Besides, I have heard that no gentleman has dared to teach in the house of the Duke of Lu for ten years。

况且臣听闻,卢国公府内已经十年无先生敢上门任教了Is it impossible that Cheng Chu Mo is uneducated。

难不成程处默是无师自通Therefore, I also believe that these three excellent works must be copied from Cheng Chu Mo。

故而臣也认为,这三首佳作,定然是程处默抄袭而来Du Ruhui also said slowly。

杜如晦也慢悠悠的说道Listen to the words of two people, Cheng place Mo suddenly smiled。

听着俩人的话,程处默突然笑了Two old men, full of food【俩个老匹夫,吃饱了撑的。

】If you don't believe it, do you need to let you believe it。

【你们不信就不信呗,小爷用得着让你们信】Little Grandpa did not offend you, so can't wait to jump out and bite little grandpa。

【小爷也没得罪你们呀,这么迫不及待跳出来咬小爷】Hear Cheng Mo's voice, Li Shimin instantly smiled。

听到程处默的心声,李世民瞬间笑了Hehe呵呵An old man老匹夫This boy dares to say anything, this is the two sides of the Tang dynasty。

这小子倒是什么都敢说,这可是大唐的左右二相That's right, this little son of a bitch dares to scold me in his heart, what else does he dare not say。

也对,这小王八蛋在心里连朕都敢骂,他还有什么不敢说的Think of this, Li Shimin suddenly relieved。

想到这,李世民顿时释然'Your Majesty陛下These three poems were indeed written by a minister。

这三首诗的确是臣所作As to whether your lords believe it or not, that is not for my minister to control。

至于二位大人信不信,那就不是臣可以左右的了Besides, I don't bother to prove anything to your lordship。

况且臣也懒得跟二位大人证明些什么Cheng Mo finish, fangxuanling Du obscure two instant rage。

程处默说完,房玄龄杜如晦二人瞬间大怒Li Shimin saw in the eyes, before the two people angry, the first to say:李世民看在眼里,在二人发怒之前,抢先说道:Cheng Chu-Mo。

程处默It's not that I and my two love ladies look down on you, but these three great works are really shocking。

不是朕跟俩位爱卿看低你,而是这三首佳作属实让人震惊No matter which one of these three masterpieces is, the accomplishments of countless people in their lives cannot be matched。

这三首佳作,无论哪一首,无数大家一生之造诣也无法企及呀Well, let me give you a test。

这样吧,朕来考一考你I'll give you ten more minutes, and if you can do three more songs like that, I'll trust you。

朕再给你十分钟,若是你还能做出三首如此佳作,那么朕便信你And this piece of yellow dragon and jade in my hand, also reward with you。

而且朕手里这块黄龙玉佩,也一并赏赐与你Do not underestimate this jade piece, this jade piece is not only valuable, with him you can also enter the palace at will。

莫要小瞧了这玉佩,这玉佩不仅价值连城,凭借他你还可随意出入皇宫之内Your father has been thinking about me for more than ten years。

你爹惦记了朕这块玉佩十几年了Li Shimin finish, cheng Mo suddenly looked at the jade in his hands eyes shining。

李世民说完,程处默顿时看着他手中的玉佩双眼放光【 OMG 】【卧槽】[Worth a fortune。

It's a fortune]【价值连城这下发财了】[Get this jade, and then sell it, little Grandpa in this life is not worried about eating and drinking。

]【把这玉佩弄到手,然后卖了,小爷这辈子还不吃喝不愁】Hear cheng Mo's voice, Li Shimin mouth again a convulsion。

听到程处默的心声,李世民的嘴角再次一阵抽搐Sell卖This boy wants to sell what I gave him。

这小子竟然还想卖朕赏赐的东西Boy, how dare you臭小子,还真是胆大包天呀。

Hum哼The old man also has a golden hairpin here。

老夫这里也有一顶金簪If you can really come up with three great songs in ten minutes, the old husband will take away this golden pin。

若是你真能十分钟内连出三首佳作,老夫这金簪一并拿走Fang Xuanling also took out a gold hairpin from her arms。

房玄龄也从怀里取出了一顶金簪Then Du Ruhui also slowly opened his mouth, Boy。

而后杜如晦也缓缓开口了,小子My old husband has a courtyard in Changan East, which is also worth a lot of money。

老夫在长安东有一处院落,也价值不菲If you are really capable, the old husband's courtyard will also be given to you。

若是你真有本事,老夫那院落也一并送你But if you are not able to do so, or if you dare not give in to your Majesty's considerations, you will suffer a great deal。

可若是你没这本事,或者根本不敢答应陛下的考量,那么你便少不了吃些苦头Du Ruhui finish, Fangxuanling also nodded, and then looked to Li Shimin。

杜如晦说完,房玄龄也点了点头,而后看向李世民 。





这本《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》小说讲述了主人公的故事非常好看,书荒的小伙伴们看过来!小说精彩节选爆火言情小说《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》正在火热连载中,这本小说是由作者残痕倾情力创的作品,故事里的主人公分别是程处默李世民,其主要内容讲 述了...……





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