


时间:2024-03-16 18:34:00 分类:历史军事 来源:网络 作者:残痕 主角:程处默李世民



《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》 第18章第18章 免费试读

Three thousand cattles三千担Did you say you raised three thousand carloads of grain a day。

你刚才说你一日筹到了三千担粮Li Shimin's voice suddenly raised the octave。

李世民嗓音瞬间拔高了八度At first he thought it was thirty or fifty, suddenly back to taste, suddenly a face of shock。

刚开始他还以为是三五十担,猛然反过味来,顿时一脸惊愕Fangxuanling side with Du Ruhui face of shock color。

一旁的房玄龄跟杜如晦均一脸震惊之色'Your Majesty陛下As Cheng Chumo said just now, it is indeed a day to raise food。

刚才程处默所说,的确是一日筹粮Three thousand kilograms三千担。

Fang Xuanling stepped out and said with equal dismay。

房玄龄一步走出,同样惊愕的说道Cheng place Mo suddenly a face ashamed, and then even sighed。

程处默突然一脸惭愧,而后竟然还叹了口气Alas唉Forgive me, Your Majesty, but my minister is incompetent and can only raise three thousand carloads of grain in one day。

陛下恕罪呀,臣无能,一日间仅仅筹粮三千担Ha ha ha ha, but also let the little master I go to the House whip。

【哈哈哈哈哈,还要让小爷我去内务府领鞭子】The little master scared you to death, if you were not in a hurry to call the little master into the palace, the little Master would at least have to turn over the food today。

【小爷吓死你,要不是你急着叫小爷进宫,小爷今日筹粮最起码还得翻上一翻】Hear the Li Shimin of the silence of the heart of the cheng, the frown went up at once。

听到程处默心声的李世民,眉头瞬间往上一挑Huh嗯What the fuck is this kid talking about。

这臭小子说什么If I do not summon him today, how can he collect 6,000 catams of grain in one day。

朕今日若是不传唤他,他一日间竟然能筹粮六千担According to the Ministry of statistics, disaster relief food needs at least 10,000 Dan。

根据户部的统计,赈灾之粮至少需要一万担Doesn't that mean the boy has done half of what I thought was an impossible task in one day。

那不是说,这小子一日就把这朕本来认为不可能完成的任务给完成了一半How the fuck did this kid do it。

这臭小子是怎么做到的It really gave me a fright还真是把朕吓了一跳。

Cheng Chu-Mo程处默Let me ask you again, did you really prepare three thousand carloads of grain。

朕再问你一遍,你当真筹备到了三千担粮Cheng place Mo again seriously nodded。

程处默再次认真的点了点头Li Shimin with Fangxuanling Du as dark two people look at each other, have seen from each other's eyes thick shock color。

李世民跟房玄龄杜如晦二人对视一眼,纷纷从对方眼中看出了浓浓的震惊之色'I ask you。

朕问你You have been to all the princes' houses in one day。

你可是一日间跑遍了所有公候王府These three thousand carloads of grain, but I Datang Chang 'an all the family of the grain。

这三千担粮,可是朕大唐长安所有臣子世家之粮Li Er asked with a raised brow。

李二挑着眉头问道Cheng Mo directly shook his head, and then stretched out two fingers to Li Shimin。

程处默直接摇了摇头,而后对着李世民伸出了俩跟手指Li Shimin looked at the two fingers stretched out by Mo Cheng, instant in place meng force。

李世民看着程处默伸出的俩根手指,瞬间原地懵逼Fangxuanling with Du obscure is face question。

房玄龄跟杜如晦更是满脸疑问'Your Majesty陛下The minister only ran away from the two duke's house, and the three thousand carloads of grain were only donated by the two Duke。

臣只跑了俩位国公府,这三千担粮只出自俩位国公捐赠Cheng Mo finish, Li Shimin suddenly leng on the dragon chair。

程处默说完,李世民顿时愣在龙椅之上Fangxuanling side with Du Ruhui Qi inhaled a breath of air。

一旁的房玄龄跟杜如晦齐齐倒吸了一口冷气Baaaah砰All of a sudden, Li Shimin was furious and clapped heavily on the dragon case。

突然间,李世民暴怒,一掌重重拍在了龙案之上Tell me给朕说What are the two worried about the country and the people of the state, actually have such a large pen, in this disaster year, can also wave to donate more than a thousand carloads of grain。


Li Shimin gritted his teeth and asked李世民咬牙切齿的问道。

Side of Fangxuanling with Du Ruhui instant Qi Qi to the ground。

一旁的房玄龄跟杜如晦瞬间齐齐跪倒在地In the face of furious Li Shimin, who still dare to stand。

面对暴怒的李世民,谁还敢站着Cheng Mo also hastened to follow fangxuanling Du Ruhui kneeling to the ground。

程处默也赶紧心惊胆颤的跟着房玄龄杜如晦跪倒在地Don't be ridiculous。

笑话The left and right two phases of the Tang Dynasty are kneeling, and he is a small servant from the four products of the household standing waiting for death。

这大唐的左右二相都跪了,自己一个小小的从四品户部侍郎站着等死【 OMG】【卧槽】Is the little master I said the wrong thing, this Li Er is not sick, how to say anger on anger。

【是小爷我说错话了吗,这李二是不是有病,怎么说怒就怒】Mader, really scared to death, after this job, the little master will definitely hide far away, and it is best not to enter the palace in this life。

【玛德,真是吓死小爷了,办完这个差事,小爷绝对躲的远远的,最好这辈子都不进皇宫】Cheng Mo's voice again in the mind of Li Shimin, Li Shimin just noticed, some of his misbehavior。

程处默的心声再次在李世民脑海中出现,李世民才察觉到,自己有些失态了Hurried to cough two sound, and then looked to the side of the Fangxuanling with Du Ruhui。

赶忙轻咳俩声,而后看向一旁的房玄龄跟杜如晦Two love ladies, please rise, I have just lost my temper。

俩位爱卿请起,朕刚才有些失态了Fangxuanling Du as obscure two people look at each other, and then slowly rise, and the process of Mo is still a face meng forced to kneel in place。


]【哎】I'm still kneeling, why don't you let me get up too。

【小爷我还跪着呢,怎么不让小爷我也起来】Li Er mouth twitched, kneeling。

李二嘴角一阵抽搐,跪着I can't wait for you to lie on your stomach。

朕恨不得让你趴着Your Majesty, the dragon body is important, don't get angry。

陛下,龙体要紧,切莫动怒呀Yes, Your Majesty, and the doctor has said that you must not be angry these days。

是呀陛下,太医也说了,您最近不可动怒Fangxuan Ling Du as obscure two people, sing in harmony said。

房玄龄杜如晦俩人,一唱一和的说到Li Shimin light waved his hand, and then looked again to the process of Mo。

李世民淡淡的摆了摆手,而后再次看向了程处默'Say it说Which two sovereign lords who are worried about the country and the people have written such a big pen。

是哪俩位忧国忧民的国公大人如此大的手笔呀Cheng Mo listen to Li Shimin gnashing teeth voice, heart a hair。

程处默听着李世民咬牙切齿的声音,心中一阵发毛He didn't dare ask questions now。

此刻他可不敢卖关子了'Return to Your Majesty回陛下Duke of Huo, Chai Shao, donate 1,000 catchers of grain。

霍国公柴绍,捐粮一千担Prime Minister elder Sun Wuji, donate two thousand cangli of grain。

丞相大人长孙无忌,捐粮俩千担As for the twenty loads of food donated by the princes of the kingdom on the day of Your Majesty's sacrifice, I did not count them。

至于陛下祭祀那日一众国公们二十担一家的捐粮,臣未统计在内So the total is three thousand cattles。

故而合计三千担Cheng Mo finish, Li Shimin face instant wonderful。

程处默说完,李世民的脸色瞬间精彩至极These two people actually one is the prime minister of the current dynasty, that is, his great uncle brother Zhangsun Wuji。

这俩人竟然一个是当朝宰相,也就是自己的大舅哥长孙无忌And my good brother-in-law Chessao。

还有朕的好妹夫柴绍That's great真是好呀These two are really nice。

这俩人真是好的很呀Li Shimin's eyes gradually become harsh。

李世民的目光逐渐变得狠厉How did he not expect that the two most trusted ministers on weekdays, there was so much surplus food at home when the country was in trouble。

他怎么也没想到,平日里最信任的俩个权臣,国难之时家中竟然还有如此多的余粮What if other princes had so much surplus。

如果其他国公府也有如此多的余粮呢There are those who are headed by the five family names seven hopes。

还有那些以五姓七望为首的世家大族Is it really as this Cheng place Mo said, these families of food can solve the Tang disaster。

难道真如这程处默所说,这些世家之存粮便能解大唐灾情If so, was it a natural or man-made disaster。

若真是这样,那此次究竟是天灾还是人祸These nobles of the Tang Dynasty。

这些大唐的勋贵们Is it the backbone of Datang, or I Datang vampire。

又到底是大唐的栋梁,还是我大唐的吸血鬼Hey, anyway, how did this guy manage to get the two state princes to donate so much grain。

咦,话说回来,这小子怎么做到让两位国公各捐了这么多担粮From what I know of these two people, they are always more than the other。

根据朕对这俩人的了解,平日里一个比一个抠Think of this, Li Shimin and instant a face of curiosity looked to the process of mo。

想到这,李世民又瞬间一脸好奇的看向了程处默Cheng Choumo, I ask you, how did you get these two people to donate so much food。

程处默,朕问你,你是怎么让这二人捐这么多粮的Li Shimin asked, Fangxuanling with Du Ruhui also have curious look to the process of mo。

李世民问完,房玄龄跟杜如晦也纷纷好奇的看向了程处默'Your Majesty陛下。

My minister only went to the Huo Duke's palace first, and then conveyed to the Huo Duke your Majesty's intention to ask the minister to collect grain。

臣只是先去了霍国公府,而后将陛下令臣筹粮的意图表达给了霍国公At first the Duke of Huo only donated twenty carloads of grain。

起初霍国公只捐二十担粮But later, when the minister opened the list in front of him, Duke Huo saw that the Prime Minister was at the top of the list, and he was instantly unhappy。

可是后来臣将这名册当着他的面打开,霍国公看到丞相大人排在榜首,便瞬间不高兴了Then I conveyed your Majesty's policy to Duke Huo again, telling him that after collecting food, Your Majesty will build a monument of merit in the world, and the further you rank, the greater your name will be on the monument。


After hearing this, the Duke of Nahuo told his minister that he was the Duke of Datang, and now Datang suffered a natural disaster, he could not sleep at night, and he directly mentioned the number of food donations to one thousand hundreds。


Cheng Mo hidden some of their own little thoughts, and then one in five to Li Shimin about the process。

程处默隐藏了一些自己的小心思,而后一五一十的对着李世民讲述过程Li Shimin heard this, eyebrows suddenly a pick。

李世民听到这,眉头顿时一挑Oomph哼This boy, he's bad这臭小子,还挺坏。

This is a clear trap这是摆明了坑柴绍呀Chai Shao with Changsun Wuji is not right, this stinky boy will deliberately let Chai Shao see Changsun Wuji ranking。

柴绍跟长孙无忌不合,这臭小子就故意让柴绍看到长孙无忌的排名And then he must have exaggerated and said to Chai Shao about this monument。

而后一定又夸大其词的跟柴绍说了这刻碑之事Hehe呵呵He's worse than a hob。

这臭小子,比他爹程滚刀还坏呀Li Er suddenly laughed, and then motioned to continue。

李二顿时笑了起来,而后示意程处默继续'Your Majesty陛下Then the minister went on talking。

那臣就继续说了Then I went to the Prime minister's palace。

臣之后便又去了丞相府Because minister thought, prime minister is the first of all officials, minister originally just wanted to consult the prime minister, how to raise food more efficiently。

因为臣想着,丞相乃百官之首,臣原本只是想去请教丞相大人,如何才能更高效的筹粮How did I know that my minister showed this list to the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister became angry on the spot。

哪知道臣将这名册给宰相大人一看,宰相大人当场便发怒 。

小说《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》 第18章第18章 试读结束


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