

时间:2024-03-16 18:34




《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》 第22章 免费试读


Listen to Cheng Momo, Li er brow instant pick。

闻听程处默心声,李二眉头瞬间一挑Huh嗯Fifty thousand kilograms。

五万担Is the ministry statistics wrong难道是户部统计有误。

Forget it I'd rather believe it or not算了,宁可信其有不可信其无。

Cheng Chu-Mo程处默I am worried that the statistics of the Ministry of Household are inaccurate, and I order you to raise 50,000 carloads of grain within five days。

朕担心户部统计不准,朕命你五天之内,筹粮五万担Fifty thousand loads of grain should be enough for the relief。

五万担粮用来赈灾应该足够了If I don't see 50,000 carloads of grain in five days。

若是五天之内,朕看不到五万担粮Go and feed my horse你就去给朕滚去喂马吧。

Well, go down, I'm tired好了,下去吧,朕累了Li Shimin finish, immediately will cheng mo drink back。

李世民说完,当即将程处默喝退【 I fuck 】【我擦】【 This Li two can not calculate。

】【这李二能掐会算不成】[A department is not as good as he alone。

]【一个户部竟然不如他一个人算的准】Stained or say someone else is an emperor through the ages。

【渍渍要么说人家是千古一帝呢】Fifty thousand cattles You open your mouth to come, I wipe, the little master has to raise ten thousand food a day。

【五万担你张口就来呀,我擦,小爷一天得筹粮一万呀】[Is it crazy]【是不是疯了。

】My minister臣Leave as ordered遵旨告退Cheng Mo bow to leave, the voice also not drop into the mind of Li Shimin。

程处默躬身告退,心声也一句不落的传进了李世民的脑海中Looking at the back of Cheng mo leave, Li Er suddenly frown。

看着程处默离去的背影,李二顿时眉头紧皱He looked to Fangxuanling with Du Ruhui。

他看向了房玄龄跟杜如晦Two love Qing, send me the paper department, let Li Jing re-check the food needed for disaster relief。

俩位爱卿,给朕传纸户部,让李靖重新核对赈灾所需之粮How can the disaster in Shandong and Henan be solved by 10,000 carloads of grain。

山东河南多地灾情,怎么可能是一万担粮能解决的Hum哼This Li Jing, leading the war is a good hand, in charge of the ministry is let me down。

这李靖,带兵打仗倒是一把好手,掌管户部倒是让朕失望Fangxuanling Du as dark listen to Li Shimin words, two people look at each other, from each other's eyes to see the shock。

房玄龄杜如晦闻听李世民的话,俩人对视一眼,皆从对方眼中看到了震惊A few hours later, the ministry came to the news that the re-statistics of the food needed for disaster relief were actually fifty thousand。

几个时辰后,户部传来消息,重新统计的赈灾所需之粮竟然真是五万担Fangxuanling with Du obscure suddenly froze in place。

房玄龄跟杜如晦顿时愣在原地My Lord陛下What a god真神了And on the other side, Cheng Mo out of the palace, all the way straight to the Marquis set of Chen Guogong house and go。

而另一边,程处默出了皇宫,一路径直往侯君集的陈国公府而去He has already made up his mind, and the next one will pit the Duke of Chen。

他已经打定了主意,下一个就坑陈国公侯君集However, the people have not yet come to the Chen Guogong house of Hou Jun set, they were stopped by Wei Chi Gong with Qin Qiong。

然而还人还未到侯君集的陈国公府,便被人高马大的尉迟恭跟秦琼拦了下来Behind the two, Qin Huaiyu and Yuchi Baolin were also followed by a black and blue face。

俩人身后,还跟着鼻青脸肿的秦怀玉和尉迟宝林'Nephew贤侄Come here quickly, nephew, I have been waiting for you for a long time with your uncle Yuchi。

快过来贤侄,我跟你尉迟叔父等你很久了Qin Qiong saw cheng Mo, immediately a hello。

秦琼看到了程处默,顿时一声招呼Cheng Mo face question walked in the past。

程处默满脸疑问的走了过去Uncle Qin, Uncle Yuchi秦伯父,尉迟叔父。

Two elders to find the Mo for what, directly summoned the Mo to the two elders can go to the house。

二位长辈找处默所为何事,直接传唤处默去二位长辈府中即可How dare you let your two elders sit here waiting for you。

处默怎么敢让二位长辈在此等候处默呢Qin Qiong suddenly a Qin Huaiyu pulled up behind him。

秦琼顿时一把将身后的秦怀玉薅了过来Yuchi Gong on the side did the same, and also pulled the Yuchi Paulin behind him。

一旁的尉迟恭同样如此,也是一把将其身后的尉迟宝林薅了过来Silence处默From this day forward, these two losers will be with you。

从今天开始,这俩个废物就跟着你了If you want to beat or scold, your old husband and your uncle Yuchi will not ask questions。

要打要骂都行,老夫跟你尉迟叔父绝不过问After Qin Qiong said that, the side of Yuchi Gong also angrily nodded。

秦琼说完之后,一旁的尉迟恭也愤然的点了点头Cheng Mo moment froze in place, a face of meng force。

程处默瞬间愣在原地,一脸的懵逼It is这What the hell is going on here。

这特么又是闹哪出Chu Mo, if you have time to teach these two brothers your knowledge of poetry and arithmetic。

处默,你作诗跟算学的学问,有空教教你这俩个兄弟Oh, you guys grew up together when you were little, how could the gap be so big。

唉,你们几个小辈打小也算一起长大,这差距怎么就这么大呢Chu Mo ah, your old husband and your uncle Yuchi do not have high requirements for you, you have the ability to make poetry and mathematics, let them learn a ten two three can。


Qin Qiong finish, again slap on the Qin Huaiyu brain melon seeds。

秦琼说完,再次一巴掌拍在了秦怀玉的脑瓜子之上Yuchi Gong also angrily kicked to the tiger back bear waist Yuchi Baolin。

尉迟恭也愤然的一脚踹向了虎背熊腰的尉迟宝林The more they look at their son, the more angry they get。

俩人是越看自己的儿子越来气呀They are the children of generals。

Look at him都是武将的孩子,看看人家Qin Huaiyu and Yuchi Baolin are also looking at Cheng place Mo at the moment。

秦怀玉跟尉迟宝林此刻也都看着程处默Two people looked at Cheng Mo are almost crying。

俩人看着程处默都快哭了呀Bottom of my heart only a sin。

心底只剩一句造孽呀Cheng place Mo looked at two people, helpless sigh。

程处默看着俩人,无奈叹息一声After all, it is a brother from childhood to big。

总归是从小耍到大的兄弟呀Besides, I really need two errand boys around me。

况且自己身边也的确需要俩个跑腿办事的人That's all I'll save you, little man。

罢了罢了,小爷我就大发慈悲救救你们吧Cheng place Mo finally opened his mouth: Two uncles, Huaiyu and Paulin will be given to the small nephew。

程处默终于开口了:俩位叔伯,怀玉跟宝林就交给小侄好了Within a month, the young nephew will make the two brothers learn well。

一个月内,小侄定然让二位兄弟学有所成Hear Cheng Mo, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong look at each other。

听到程处默的话,秦琼跟尉迟恭对视一眼 。










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