

时间:2024-03-16 18:32


杀手重生,我的老爸是皇帝欧阳旭苏月小说(主角欧阳旭苏月) 完整版,个人感觉很棒的一篇文!故事够曲折,有虐有爱,感情专一,一路悬念不停,看到停不下来,用了两天时间一口气看完的。……


《杀手重生,我的老爸是皇帝欧阳旭苏月》 第19章 免费试读


Outside Xuancheng City, military barracks。

宣城城外,军营Whoaa哇So much good food这么多好吃的Xuan small four two eyes shining。

玄小四两眼放光Shut up and don't embarrass Five like you haven't eaten。

闭嘴,别给小五丢脸,搞得跟没吃过似的I've never eaten so much。

我是没有吃过这么丰盛的嘛Xuan Xiao four grievance grunt。

玄小四委屈的嘟囔Su Huan looked at this big table of people, is very satisfied, lovingly looking at Xuanxiaosan and Xuanxiafour, Two do not be polite, you are the brother of the moon, the moon depends on you to take care of these years。


Xuanshen doctor with domain son or friends, this is fate, the old man I respect you a cup。

玄神医跟域儿还是至交,这都是缘分,老头子我敬你们一杯General Xie谢将军。

Xiao Wu has been sensible since childhood and doesn't need us to take care of her。

On the contrary, we have to take care of her more, and we are ashamed。

小五从小就懂事,不需要我们怎么照顾,相反的我们得她照顾的时候还多些,惭愧啊Ha ha ha, we are not polite, come, eat food eat food, moon eat food。

哈哈哈哈,我们都不要客气了,来,吃菜吃菜,月儿吃菜Well, grandfather, you too。

嗯,外祖父,您也吃Oh, brother, you see, having a cousin makes us boys even more unloved and unloved。

哎呀,大哥,你看,有表妹了,我们这些小子就更加没人疼没人爱咯The most active Suqian sighs。

最活跃的苏谦唉声叹气道How can you boys, thick and thick-skinned, compare to your cousin。

你们这些臭小子皮糙肉厚的,跟你们表妹能比么Su Li hand is just a chopstick。

苏礼上手就是一筷子Ah, uncle哎,大伯Although we are not as expensive as cousin Jin, but at least is a good and graceful boy ah, how do you always start, how much to give some face ah。


Eat vegetables, food can't stop your mouth。

吃菜,饭菜都堵不住你的嘴Just remember that my cousin is a treasure and we are grass。

就是就是,你只要记得表妹是宝,我们是草就对了Su Yu, Su Yu each gave him a chopstick dish, to show sympathy。

苏域、苏羽各给他夹了一筷子菜,以示同情Xuan Xiaofour looked at them fighting, happy giggle, but did not affect the speed of his dry rice。

玄小四看着他们打打闹闹的,乐呵呵的傻笑,倒也没影响到他干饭的速度Yummy Yummy。

好吃,真好吃Su month looked at everyone happy, very happy。

苏月看着大家其乐融融,很是开心I was an orphan in my last life。

I didn't know the family上辈子是孤儿,没有体会过亲情So far, not so bad。

现在看来,还不赖Moon, grandfather is going back to Kyoto。

You will come with us and visit your grandmother and your brother。


Speaking of this grandson, Su Huan felt distressed again。

说起这个外孙,苏桓又是一阵心疼So many years, can only be far from the concern, his wife in Kyoto are afraid to go to visit, the child a person, how difficult ah。

这么多年,只能远远的关心,老伴在京都都不敢随意去看望,那孩子一个人,得多难啊Moon, you are a good doctor, go back to Kyoto and show your brother, this child has been weak since childhood, and there is nothing the palace doctor can do。

月儿你医术好,回京都给你哥哥看看吧,这孩子从小身体就弱,宫里太医都没有办法Xuan Xiaosan: Palace。

玄小三:宫里An imperial doctor太医It's not an easy life for my little sister。

小师妹这身世不简单啊I guess we need to talk to the big brother soon, and we need to help the little sister to shore up the scene。

看来得尽快跟大师兄说说,得帮小师妹撑撑场面才行Well, I will, you may be assured。

好,您放心,我会的Su Huan saw her promise but nothing asked, and a sigh of emotion, more sensible children。

苏桓见她答应却什么都不问,又是一阵感慨,多懂事的孩子Father, the moon will meet in Kyoto。

爹,月儿此次会京都······What's the matter怎么了What do you think of me taking Yueer back to Kyoto。

我带月儿回京都,你有什么意见As soon as Su Huan put down his chopsticks, he looked like he was going to do something。

苏桓筷子一放,就有要动手的架势No, Father不是,爹Don't be angry。

What I mean is, what capacity should Yue 'er return to Beijing this time。

您别生气,我的意思是,月儿此次回京,该以什么身份回What identity, my granddaughter, what identity could it be。

什么身份,我的外孙女,还能是什么身份The Don looked unhappy。

老爷子满脸的不高兴Grandfather, father means that if the moon returns as your granddaughter, the one in the palace may come and rob people。


Su Yu explained苏域解释道He dares他敢I'll break his legs if he tries。

他敢来老子就敢打断他的腿Useless thing, if it wasn't for him, how could the clouds。

没用的东西,要不是他,云儿怎么会······Su Li: No one in the world would dare to break the emperor's leg except you。

苏礼:这天下除了您老人家,估计没人敢说打断皇上的腿了Su Yu: You are the boss, everything you say is right。

苏域:······您是老大,您说的都对Suyu: Ha ha ha ha, grandpa is awesome。

苏羽:哈哈哈哈哈,祖父就是厉害Suqian: Well, grandfather is really old and strong。

苏谦:哎,祖父真真是老当益壮啊People have already imagined the scene of the emperor being beaten up and down by his father (grandfather)。

众人已经自行脑补皇上被自己的爹(祖父)打的上窜下跳的场景了Dad, even if you really break his leg, if he knows the existence of the moon, he will crawl to rob people。

爹,您就算真打断他的腿,他要是知道月儿的存在,他爬都会爬着来抢人的Su Huanqi's eyes stared, but he also knew that his elder son was telling the truth。

苏桓气的眼睛直瞪,但也知道大儿子说的是事实I don't want to wronged Yue 'er, clearly is my Su family's child, why can't show people。

我不想委屈了月儿,明明是我苏家的孩子,为什么不能示人Grandfather, it's not that I won't let Cousin Moon show her true identity, but I can't for the time being。

祖父,不是不让月表妹以真实身份示人,而是暂时不能This time back to Beijing, there is a lot of danger, this is for the safety of my cousin。

此次回京,危险重重,这是为了表妹的安全着想Su Yu winks at the others as he dissolves。

苏域一边开解一边给其他人使眼色Yes, grandfather, we won't reveal the identity of our cousin until we've dealt with the ghosts and demons in Kyoto。

是啊,祖父,等我们把京都那些牛鬼蛇神解决了,再公开表妹的身份不迟Grandfather, I think what my elder uncle and Cousins say is very reasonable, and I don't want so many irrelevant people to know my identity for the time being。


This time I came back to Kyoto with you, mainly for my grandmother and brother, too many people know, but it is easy to cause trouble。

此次跟你们回京都,主要是为了外祖母跟哥哥,太多人知道反而容易惹出事端I know, but I just want you to go back fair and square, how so difficult。

外祖知道,可就是想让你光明正大的回去,怎么那么难Your grandmother's health is not what it used to be these years, and I want to make her happy。

你外祖母这些年身体也大不如前,就想让她开心开心We don't have to hide from grandma and brother, but we don't disclose our identity for a while, not forever。

外祖母和哥哥那边我们自不用瞒着,只是暂时不公开身份而已,又不是永远Don't be sad, grandfather。

外祖父,您不要伤心Well, well, Grandfather listens to you。

好,好,外祖父听你的So or are you the granddaughter I know。

那···那要不就说你是我认得干孙女Either, but one identity, you don't care。

都可以,不过一个身份,您不要在意Just let our own people know who I am。

我们自己人知道我是谁不就行了All right行吧Then this time back to Beijing, external, your identity is my dry granddaughter, the internal is the same, so the general line。

那此次回京,对外,你的身份就是我的干孙女,对内还是一样,这样总行了吧Yes, I'll do as you say。

行,就按您说的办You guys also remember that the outer moon is my dry granddaughter, so don't make any mistakes。

你们几个也记好了,对外月儿就是我苏桓的干孙女,你们别出岔子I see, Father。

知道了,爹I see, Grandfather知道了,祖父I see, Grandfather。

知道了,祖父I see, Grandfather知道了,祖父Su month see Su Huan interested in the lack of appearance, in order to make him happy, from their own space cloth bag out of the gift prepared for them, Grandfather, this time, I came out in a hurry, did not prepare anything for you。


One bottle of these pills for you, your uncle, your cousin and your third cousin。

They are very good for you who are practicing martial arts。

Your cousin will not take them for the time being until he is well conditioned。


The moon's medicine must be a good thing, big uncle thanked first。

月儿的药,肯定是好东西,大舅舅先谢过了And picked up a bottle first。

说着先拿起一瓶Xuanxiaosan see the response, you know everyone is just moved by the little sister's mind, but do not know the value of this medicine。

玄小三见众人反应,就知道大家只是感动于小师妹的心意,但完全不知道这药的价值Feel distressed, cow chewing peony ah, this group of people do not know how precious this medicine。

顿感心疼,牛嚼牡丹啊,这群人完全不知道这药有多珍贵But Su Yu saw the reaction of his friends, dumbstarted to laugh, What function does this medicine have, look at the expression of Xuanshen doctor, I would like to snatch it。


Xuanxiaosan glared at him, There are good things on the market that can't be bought with money, and it should be said that there have been no good medicines in the past hundred years, what do you think。


What drug is so powerful是什么药这么厉害Suyu also came to interest。

苏羽也来了兴趣Pulp washing Pill洗髓丹They all looked confused, as if they had never heard of it, but Su Huan was shocked, What do you say。

众人一脸懵,好像没听说过,倒是苏桓大惊失色,你说什么Pulp-washing pill。

洗髓丹Is this really a pulp washing pill这真的是洗髓丹。

He picked up the bottle in disbelief, not even daring to open it。

他拿起药瓶,不敢置信,甚至都不敢打开Grandfather, you've heard of this medulla, what is it。

祖父,您听过这洗髓丹,是什么Cousin is too biased, everyone has gifts, why don't I have。

表妹也太偏心了,大家都有礼物,怎么就我没有Suqian face grievance。

苏谦满脸委屈If you do not practice martial arts, this thing is useless to you, what is eccentric, you as a brother did not prepare a gift for your sister, and still dare to pick。


Well, you all have那不是你们都有嘛······Grandfather, don't pay attention to the third brother, he is just jealous。

祖父您别理三弟,他就是嫉妒Can you tell us how powerful this potion is。

您给我们说说,这丹药有那么厉害 。





这本《杀手重生,我的老爸是皇帝欧阳旭苏月》小说讲述了主人公的故事非常好看,书荒的小伙伴们看过来!小说精彩节选杀手重生,我的老爸是皇帝欧阳旭苏月小说(主角欧阳旭苏月) 完整版,个人感觉很棒的一篇文!故事够曲折,有虐有爱,感情专一,一路悬念不停,看到停不下来,用了两天时间一口气看完的。……





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