

时间:2024-03-16 18:28




《大唐:被听心声后,我成了朝中重臣(程处默李世民)》 第23章 免费试读


Then the two of them walked away with a face of laughter, leaving three young people messy in the wind。

而后俩人一脸开怀的走了,留下三个小辈在风中凌乱Cheng place Mo a face sad to look at Qin Huaiyu and Yu Chi Baolin, a long sigh。

程处默一脸悲哀的看着秦怀玉跟尉迟宝林,长长叹息一声These are the two。

就这俩货Know the word plus a piece can not make up a five-word sentence。

认识的字加一块都凑不齐一首五言绝句Expect them to become scholars。

指望他们做学问The child of the general's family, wearing a scarf and armor, the battlefield is the way out。

武将家的孩子,披巾戴甲,沙场立功才是出路呀Soon Li Er will take three conquests of Goguryeo, and then it will be an opportunity for Huai Yu and Paulin to make a mark。

不久李二便会三征高句丽,那时便是怀玉跟宝林建功立业的机会Expect them to become scholars, ha ha。

指望他们做学问出仕,呵呵One side of the Wei Chi Baolin with Qin Huaiyu, two eyes staring at the process of mo。

一旁的尉迟宝林跟秦怀玉,俩人大眼瞪小眼的看着程处默Qin Huaiyu finally could not help but speak。

秦怀玉终于忍不住开口了Silence处默Why are you sighing你叹什么气呀。

If you want to sigh, it should be our brothers。

要叹气也该是我们兄弟俩叹气呀Originally, everyone is the black sheep of the second generation of martial arts。

本来大家都是败家子武二代What do you mean you suddenly glowed。

你说你突然发什么光First, I was suddenly promoted to be a servant in the household of Your Majesty's holy family。

先是突然被陛下圣眷,提拔当了户部侍郎And suddenly writing poems and becoming holy。

又突然写诗成圣Mathematics almost drove Dr Hanlin Academy crazy。

算学还差点逼疯翰林院博士You did shine, but we brothers are suffering。

你倒是发光了,我们兄弟俩可苦了Do you say that we brothers eat together under the shadow of our fathers and wait for death。

Why do we have to make ourselves suffer。

你说咱们兄弟们一起在父辈余荫下混吃等死不香吗,干嘛非得给自己找罪受Qin Huaiyu said that, the side of the Yuchi Baolin crazy point his head。

秦怀玉说完,一旁的尉迟宝林疯狂的点着自己的头He really did not know what to say, but he felt that what Qin Huaiyu said was what he wanted to express。

他实在不知道说什么,但是就是觉得秦怀玉说的都是他想表达的Cheng mo heard Qin Huaiyu mouth convulsions。

程处默听到秦怀玉的嘴角一阵抽搐The conscience of heaven and earth。

天地良心呀I also want to eat and die老子也想混吃等死呀。

Everyone together in Changan when salted fish, nothing to drink wine, flirt with good family women, how sweet。

大家一起在长安当咸鱼,没事喝喝花酒,调戏调戏良家妇女,多香Is that the official you want to be。

那官是自己想当的吗Oh, what a surprise唉,飞来横祸I can lay down Don, but not these two idiots。

自己倒是可以躺平大唐,但是面前这俩蠢货可不行呀Given the course of history, if there are no surprises。

根据历史进程,若是没有意外的话In a few more years, Qin Qiong will die of illness, and then the prosperous Hu palace will decline。

再过些年,秦琼就会病逝,而那时如日中天的胡国公府便会没落Qin Huaiyu even did not hold the title, and finally was almost destroyed by Emperor Gaozong。

秦怀玉更是连爵位都没守住,最后还险些被高宗皇帝灭门As for Yuchi Baolin, it's even worse。

至于尉迟宝林,这货就更惨了After the death of his father, Yuchi Gong, this boy sinned against Chang Sun Chong by dying himself。

在他老子尉迟恭死后,这小子自己作死去得罪长孙冲Directly by Changsun Wuji that old fox played to death, the duke of the state of Hubei were destroyed。

直接被长孙无忌那个老狐狸玩死,鄂国公府满门皆灭I really need to teach these two brothers some skills to make a living。

自己确实得教这俩个兄弟一些安身立命的本事呀Since crossing to this prosperous Tang Dynasty, he has become the son of Lu Guo Cheng bite Jin。

既然穿越到了这盛世大唐,又成为了卢国公程咬金的儿子Then I can't tear the label of the right wing of the Qin Palace。

那自己身上便撕不下秦王府右派的标签The right wing of King Qin's house was a small faction formed when Li Shimin was King Qin。

秦王府右派,是李世民还是秦王时便成型的一个小派系At first, there were only a few people such as Qin Qiongwei who came late to bite the golden cow Jinda。

起初只有秦琼尉迟恭程咬金牛进达等几人After Li Shimin ascended the throne, the right wing of the Qin Palace became the representative faction of the generals in the dynasty。

李世民登基后,秦王府右派便成了朝中武将的代表派系The court is now divided into factions。

现在的朝堂派系分明Not only have their own house of Qin right。

不仅有自己所在的秦王府右派And the left wing of the Qin Palace。

还有秦王府左派It was also a faction that existed when Li Shimin was King of Qin。

也是李世民还是秦王时便存在的派系Led by Prime Minister Changsun Wuji, Gaoshilian Tang Jian and other people as the core, is the representative faction of Tang civil officials in the court today。

以丞相长孙无忌为首,高士廉唐俭等人为核心,是如今朝堂中大唐文官的代表派系In addition, there is the long right wing department of Li Yuan's old department。

除此之外,还有李渊旧部的陇右派系Five family members of seven Hopes, called the family school。

五姓七望的门生子弟,称之为世家派These factions, in Zhenguan Datang in this prosperous era of fighting。

这些派系,在贞观大唐这个盛世之中争锋斗艳In fact, all in order to make their own family better survival and continuation。

其实都是为了能让自己的家族更好的生存跟延续下去If the right wing of the Qin Palace is strong, it is born on this right wing, and the Cheng family of the Lu Guogong Palace where it is located will naturally be prosperous。

秦王府右派强盛,则生在这右派之上,自己所在的卢国公府程家自然也就能昌盛On the contrary, there are eggs under the nest。

反之,覆巢之下安有完卵Cheng place Mo naturally understand this truth, he is also more concerned about the people around。

程处默自然明白这个道理,他也更在意的身边的人Although the past life of their own body in the 21st century。

前世的自己虽然身在纸醉金迷的二十一世纪Prosperous and gorgeous oneself has never experienced affection cold and warm。

繁华绚丽自己却从未体会过亲情冷暖My previous life was an orphan。

前世的自己是一个孤儿So he cherished the present Lu Gongfu。

所以他很珍惜现在的卢国公府Very cherish Cheng bite gold this cheap Laozi, Qin Qiong Yuchi Gong Niujinda these will see themselves as their own descendants of uncle。

很珍惜程咬金这个便宜老子,秦琼尉迟恭牛进达这些将自己看做自家后辈的叔伯Very cherish Qin Huaiyu Yu Baolin Niu Tong these, see themselves as their own brothers。

很珍惜秦怀玉尉迟宝林牛通这些,将自己看做自家手足的兄弟 。










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