

时间:2024-03-16 18:33




《第15章###第16》 第16章 免费试读


When a few people were wondering, Niu Jinda opened his mouth。

就在几人疑惑之时,牛进达开口了I drank this wine today今日这酒俺老牛喝了。

Old Cheng老程I drink this wine is not a penalty。

俺喝这酒可不是罚酒I drink this wine, it's Shane wine。

俺喝这酒,是谢恩酒Niu Jinda red eye said, cheng bite gold suddenly meng forced in place。

牛进达红着眼眶子说到,程咬金顿时懵逼在了原地Qin Qiong and others face questions。

秦琼等人满脸疑问Shane wine谢恩酒What is it什么恩Since when does this guy owe this hob a favor。

这老牛什么时候欠这程滚刀的人情了Whiff of嘶Is old Cheng cheating old ox behind his back again。

难道是老程又在背地里坑老牛了Cheng bite gold more meng force, he listened to the words of Niu Jinda, thought, also did not come up with a reason。

程咬金更加懵逼,他听着牛进达的话,思前想后,也没想出个所以然Huh嗯What, ten years ago。

难道是说十几年前的事Ten years ago, his own risk in the hands of the backer king Yang Lin will save him back。

十几年前,自己孤身犯险在靠山王杨林手里将他救回来的事I said old cow。

我说老牛It's too far to mention something that happened ten years ago。

你这提十几年前的事就远了啊The penalty is the penalty这罚酒就是罚酒。

That doesn't count, no, no, three more那可不算,不行不行,得再罚三杯。

Cheng bite gold quickly said, Niu Jinda smell speech, directly seized a Yuchi gong will pour wine jar。

程咬金赶忙说到,牛进达闻言,直接一把夺过了尉迟恭就要倒酒的酒坛子And then a whole jar of wine into his mouth。

而后一整坛子酒可是往自己嘴里倒'Alas哎呀What a thrill这是受啥刺激了。

This is Your Majesty's hidden wine这可是陛下御赐的藏酒呀。

Let you drink three cups, how the fuck you still stink and shameless to blow on the jar。

让你喝三杯,你特么怎么还臭不要脸的对坛子吹了呢Put it down给老子放下Put it down。

放下I haven't had a sip yet老子还没喝一口呢See this scene, Cheng bite gold suddenly urgent eyes。

看到这一幕,程咬金顿时急眼了When Yuchi Gong heard that this wine was given to Cheng Bite Jin by his Majesty, he was also anxious。

一旁的尉迟恭听到这酒是陛下御赐给程咬金的,顿时也急眼了Hey哎Old cow老牛。

You save me a bite, this son of a bitch is usually not so generous, with imperial wine to serve us。

你给我留一口,这王八蛋平时可没这么大方的时候,拿御酒来招待我们Yuchi Gong said that, Niu Jinda will directly throw the wine jar to the side。

尉迟恭说完,牛进达直接将酒坛子往旁边一摔Baaaah咣叽A crackle一声脆响。

Cheng bite gold suddenly face angry paralysis sat in a chair。

程咬金顿时满脸恼怒的瘫坐在了椅子上Your Majesty's gift of wine。

陛下御赐的藏酒呀I didn't even drink it, and you made it。

老子一口没喝,你就这么给造了Ha ha哈哈Happy痛快Have fun痛快呀Old Cheng。

老程My old cow this jar of wine is a thank-you wine, just three cups is a fine wine。

俺老牛这坛子酒算是谢恩酒,刚才三杯算是罚酒I owe you a lot of thanks。

俺老牛得好好谢谢你呀Your silence has allowed my boy to walk again。

你家处默让俺家那小子能重新下地走路了My old cow just didn't have a daughter。

俺老牛就是没生个女儿If my old cow wants to have a daughter, I will let her marry for his wife。

俺老牛若是要有个女儿,定让让嫁给处默为妻谢恩Niu Jinda eyes red finish, cheng bite gold suddenly froze in place, Qin Qiong a few people is a face of shock color。

牛进达眼眶子通红的说完,程咬金顿时愣在原地,秦琼几人则是一脸的震惊之色Old cow。

老牛What did you say你说啥Your boy's leg was healed by Zomu。

你家小子的腿被处默给治好了Qin Qiong a face of shock asked, Niu Jinda red eyes hard nodded。

秦琼一脸震惊的问到,牛进达红着眼用力点了点头It's not completely cured, but it's getting there soon。

还不算完全治好,但是处默说也快了Then Niu Jinda will slowly said to a few people to listen to, cheng bite gold after listening, immediately heavy a clap on the table。


啪The boy这臭小子Old cow, my old Cheng is the first to make amends for this boy。

老牛呀,俺老程先替这臭小子向你赔罪What medical skills does this boy have。

这臭小子哪里会什么医术呀I can't believe that这可不能信呀Cheng bite gold finish, Niu Jinda suddenly quit。

程咬金说完,牛进达顿时不干了Old Cheng老程'That's your fault。

这就是你的不对了My child can now stand up and walk without crutches。

我家孩子现在都能不用拐杖站起来行走了I believe that Chu Mo has the ability。

我相信处默有这个本事Niu Jinda finish, cheng bite gold suddenly big headache。

牛进达说完,程咬金顿时大感头痛And the side of Qin Qiong a few people are also a face of surprise。

而一旁的秦琼几人也是一脸惊疑之色Pei Zhen opened his mouth slowly, I said old Cheng, your place Mo in the end because of what your Majesty fancy, directly promoted to the four parts of the household servant。


With the elder brother, you don't hide it。

跟老哥几个个,你可别藏着掖着了Cheng bite gold suddenly a leng, this thing he didnt understand it。

程咬金顿时一愣,这事情他自己都没整明白呢How does Your Majesty value the beauty of his own home。

陛下如何看中了自己家的处默You ask me I ask who你特么问老子,老子问谁去。

While the men were arguing, the butler came quickly。

就在几人争执不休时,管家快步走来His lordship老爷Two doctors from the Imperial Academy want to see you。

翰林院俩位博士求见One said He Liang, the other Zhou Tong。

一个说是叫何良,一个叫周同They他们They said they were going to visit the young master。

他们说是要登门拜访少爷Hear the butler's words, cheng bite gold suddenly can not sit, teng stood up from the seat。

听到管家的话,程咬金顿时坐不住了,腾一下从座位上站了起来Tie呔What are these old bastards doing here。

这俩个老王八蛋来干啥At the last meeting, these two old bastards pointed at my nose and scolded me, and now I'm angry。

上次朝会上,这俩个老王八蛋指着老子鼻子骂,现在想想老子都来气Let these old bastards go, and tell them I don't have time for them。

让这俩个老王八蛋滚,就说老子没空搭理他们My place has no time for them。

我家处默更没空搭理他们Cheng bite gold finish, Qin Qiong a few people face is also turning cold, and the butler is a face of difficult color。

程咬金说完,秦琼几人面色也是纷纷转冷,而管家则一脸为难之色Military generals and civil officials have never been at odds with each other, and several of them have quarreled with this He Liangzhou。

武将跟文官向来不合,他们几人也均跟这何良周同二人有过口角My dear brother。

贤弟This He Liang and Zhou Tong are prince's junior teachers。

这何良跟周同乃太子少师I am afraid that the great scholars in the court will fall into quarrels with these civil officials again, so it is not too late to meet and see what is driving people away。

朝中大儒,如此恐怕又要落这些文官口角,还是见一见吧,看看有何事在赶人也不迟Qin Qiong said with a frown, and Pei Zhen on the side also nodded。

秦琼皱着眉头说到,一旁的裴寂也点了点头'All right好吧Listen to Brother Qin。

听秦二哥的Let those two old bastards come here。

让那俩个老王八蛋过来吧After the butler led the order, a moment later, He Liang followed Zhou Tong behind the butler and was brought here。

管家领命而后,片刻后,何良跟周同跟在管家身后,被带到了此处Two people see cheng bite gold after a look at each other, and then have a bite。

俩人一见到程咬金后对视一眼,而后纷纷一咬牙Plop扑通一声Two people even to cheng bite gold Qi Qi down to the ground。

二人竟然对着程咬金齐齐跪倒在地FLLLLRRRRP噗呲Zhou with this kneeling with He Liang, suddenly let cheng bite gold just drink into the mouth of the wine spout。

周同跟何良的这一跪,顿时让程咬金刚喝进嘴里的酒水一口喷出Baaaah吧嗒Yuchi Gong lost his chopsticks and fell directly to the ground。

尉迟恭手中的筷子没拿稳,直接掉落到了地上Even Qin Qiong, who has always been calm, now his mouth is open like a duck egg。

就连一向淡定的秦琼,此刻嘴巴也张的像个鸭蛋一样Pei Zhen and Niu Jinda two people is a pair of see a ghost expression。

裴寂跟牛进达二人更是一副见了鬼的表情There was a sudden silence in the hall。

You could hear the needles内堂中顿时鸦雀无声,落针可闻。

This这Second brother二哥You pinch me, I am not blind, how these two sour scholars to my old Cheng knelt down。

你掐我一下,我是不是花眼了,这俩个酸儒怎么给俺老程跪下了After a long time, cheng bite gold only a face meng forced to open。

良久后,程咬金才一脸懵逼的开口My dear brother贤弟呀You你As if blind。

好像没花眼Qin Qiong said, cheng bite gold suddenly swallowed a spit, he unexpectedly inexplicable heart began to speed up。

秦琼说完,程咬金顿时咽了一口唾沫,他竟然莫名的心跳开始加快了起来These old guys, they kneel at every word。

这俩个老东西,一言不合就下跪What about the integrity of the scholar。

读书人的气节呢What the hell is going on here这尼玛到底是咋了。

Finally, Zhou Tong and He Liang looked at each other, and then He Liang gritted his teeth。

终于,周同跟何良对视一眼,而后何良咬牙开口了Duke of Lu卢国公Old husband and old Zhou will be slaves in your Duke Lu's mansion from today on。

老夫跟周老从今天开始,便在你卢国公府为奴了But the two of us are only slaves to your Prince Cheng Chu。

但是我二人只给令公子程处默为奴From now on, you can beat or scold me at will。

今后要打要骂,悉听尊便He Liang said, cheng bite gold almost did not sit down from the chair fell down。

何良说完,程咬金差点没坐稳从椅子上摔下去What the hell啥玩意For slavery。

为奴To Cheng place Mo for slave给程处默为奴These are two doctors from the Imperial Academy。

这尼玛可是两位翰林院博士Prince little teacher, the Tang Dynasty famous scholar ah。

太子少师,大唐久负盛名的大儒呀What did your son do自己儿子究竟做了什么。

Qin Qiong a few people are also shocked color, a few people look at each other, have more doubts。

秦琼几人也是满面震惊之色,几人对视一眼,纷纷疑惑更甚What did the son of this hob, Chomo, do。

这程滚刀的儿子处默究竟干了什么How can you let these two doctors of the Imperial Academy willingly come to the House of the Duke of Lu as slaves。

怎么就让这翰林院的俩位博士心甘情愿的来卢国公府为奴了Duke of Lu卢国公Please also tell me where your prince's residence is, and we will go and wait for your prince's return。

还请告知令公子府邸所在,我二人前往等令公子归来Zhou with clenched teeth again, cheng bite gold finally woke up from the shock。

周同再次咬牙开口,程咬金终于从震惊中惊醒'Ah啊That那个Stay here, housekeeper。

处默住在,管家Take the two gentlemen and wait inside Chommer's house。

快带俩位先生先去处默府邸内等候Cheng bite gold immediately commanded the housekeeper, let it take weeks with He Liang。

程咬金顿时吩咐管家,让其将周同跟何良带走Cheng place Mo as the eldest son of Lu Guogong Mansion。

程处默身为卢国公府的长子In this palace of the Duke of Lu, there is naturally a separate courtyard。

在这卢国公府,自然也是有单独的院落The butler left with two people, leaving still a face of shock cheng bite gold with Qin Qiongwei Chi Gong several people。

管家带着二人离去,留下仍旧一脸震惊的程咬金跟秦琼尉迟恭几人Bite the gold。

咬金What have you done with your silence你家处默到底干了什么。










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