

时间:2024-03-16 17:39




《杀手重生,我的老爸是皇帝欧阳旭苏月》 第26章 免费试读


Xuanxiaosan: you are shameless, I also want to live in someone else's home is so righteous。

玄小三:······你不要脸我还要呢,住人家家里还这么理直气壮的A troop of men set out in great force, followed by 5,000 men and horses。

一队人马浩浩荡荡的出发,五千兵马跟随其后Su Yu, Su Yu riding horses in front of the team, always pay attention to the surrounding situation。

苏域、苏羽骑着骏马在队伍前方,时刻注意着周遭情况Xuanxiaosan, Xuanxiaosi and Su month in the middle of the team, follow Suhuan side。

玄小三、玄小四和苏月在队伍中间,跟随在苏桓身边Three days have passed since I came here without stopping。

一路走来、马不停蹄已经过了三天All the way is smooth, but thousands of people, the speed is certainly not fast。

一路上还算顺利,不过几千人马,速度肯定是快不了的Third brother, how long will it take us to get to Kyoto at this speed。

三师兄,这速度我们还要多久才能到京都啊Maybe ten more days大概还要十来天吧。

It's going to be that long还要那么久啊Five, your third cousin, he didn't tell me how he was going。

小五,你那个三表哥,怎么走都没说一声啊He may have reached Kyoto by himself。

他一个人快马加鞭,说不定都到京都了吧Well, third cousin will go back to Beijing as soon as possible to make some preparations。

嗯,三表哥要早日回京做些准备He left at night He didn't tell us。

晚上出发的,就没跟我们说He reckons he should be here in a couple of days。

他估计这两天该到了You and the Su family three boys are compatible, back to Kyoto to have a playmate。

你跟那苏家三小子倒是投缘,回京都有个玩伴也好Xuanxiaosan is also bored at this time, all the way to swing leisurely, are fast asleep。

玄小三此时也是百无聊赖,一路上晃晃悠悠的,都快睡着了But this way also know the situation of Sue's home, but did not say to go first, or stay to guard, after all, is the family of little sister。


Has the moon ever made such a long journey in these years。

月儿这些年可有这样长途跋涉过Su Huan foreign granddaughter these years of life is very concerned, all the way to talk with Su month about her life these years。

苏桓对外孙女这些年来的生活很是关注,一路上没事就跟苏月聊她这些年的生活No, I have been on the Baiyun Mountain all these years, and the farthest I have been is this border pass。

没有,这些年一直在白云山上,最远就是这次来边关了Would that be uncomfortable。

那可会有不适After all, it is a girl's home, and this way, the boudoir woman in Beijing must be unbearable。

毕竟是女孩儿家,这一路颠沛的,京中的闺阁女子肯定是受不了的Grandpa doesn't have to worry about me。

Although I've been on the Baiyun Mountain for years, I've been practicing martial arts for years and I'm in good health。

外祖父不用担心我,我虽然常年待在白云山上,但是我常年习武,身体好着呢Yes, General Su needn't worry。

是啊,苏将军不用担心We have been taught by Master since childhood, and although we are good at different things, we have not fallen behind in our martial arts skills, you can rest assured。


Xuanxiaosan in the side to persuade玄小三在在旁劝解。

Xuan Lao's ability is known to me, and I am very assured that I will know it by looking at the ability of several of you。

玄老的本事我自是知晓的,也很放心,看你们几人的能耐就知道了Xuanshen doctor these years also long and I Su home walk, I really did not expect there should be such a chance。

玄神医这些年也长与我苏家走动,真没想到竟然还有如此机缘Yeah, God has it all lined up, ha ha ha。

是啊,老天一切都安排好了,哈哈哈Attack敌袭All soldiers will be on guard。

各兵将警戒All alert to look around, Su Yu led the protection of Su Huan。

众人都警惕的看着周边,苏域带队保护苏桓Little four, go and help。

小四,去帮忙Xuan small three immediately arrangement。

玄小三立马安排All right, it's boring好嘞,正无聊呢Then he pulled out his soft sword and flew away。

随后扯出腰间软剑,飞身离开In front of Suyu led a team of people against the enemy, at this time the two sides are evenly matched。

前方苏羽领着一队人马对敌,此时两方正势均力敌The men in black are not weak, and they look well trained。

黑衣人马兵力不弱,一看也是训练有素Xuan small four to join the fight, the situation instantly reversed。

玄小四一加入打斗,局势瞬间扭转Soon all the men in black were slain。

很快黑衣人被悉数斩尽Well, little General, are you all right。

怎么样,小将军,没事吧No problem, thanks to the little four brothers for coming to help。

没事,多谢小四兄弟前来相助No, I'm bored, it's good to move。

客气啥,正无聊着呢,动动筋骨挺好的You call me little four, I don't call you little general, you are a few years older than me, I call you second brother Su。

你都叫我小四了,我也不叫你小将军了,你长我几岁,我叫你苏二哥吧Ok, ha ha ha, little four brothers chipper。

好,哈哈哈,小四兄弟爽快We are all family, and it is appropriate for you to call me Brother Sue。

都是一家人,你叫我一声苏二哥正合适Little General, all enemies have been killed and verified。

小将军,所有敌人已全部毙命,核查完毕A soldier came to report。

一小兵前来汇报Okay, go back好,回去At this time, the army has been waiting in place, watching Suyu and others come back, Su Yu stepped forward, How is the situation。

此时大军已原地等候,看着苏羽等人回来,苏域上前,情况怎么样They were all cut off。

There was no one left alive都斩尽了,没留活口Well, how does the road look。

嗯,看着路数如何Oh, old opponent, who else can it be。

呵呵,老对手了,还能是谁It seems that there will be no peace, so be alert。

看来接下来不太平了,要警醒些Go get some rest你去歇会去Big brother, you look down on me too much, just this little shrimp and crab will also rest。

大哥,你太看不起我了,就这点虾兵蟹将还要休息Hurry on抓紧赶路吧Well, tell me to go on。

好,吩咐下去,继续赶路Go on继续赶路Keep going继续赶路Su Yu rode to Su Huan and reported, Grandfather, let's continue on our way, this road is not expected to be peaceful。

苏域骑马到苏桓处汇报,祖父,我们继续赶路,这一路估计不会太平了Well, you can arrange it。

嗯,你安排就好Don't hold back Kill me when you come。

Leave no one alive不用憋着,来了就给我杀,不留活口'Yes是。

In the next few days, more than a dozen waves of assassinations came, at this time Su Yu and Su Yu are exhausted, this wheel battle ah, who can bear it。


Su Yu, in particular, had a pale face and chapped lips。

尤其是苏域,脸色苍白,嘴唇干裂 。










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