

时间:2024-03-16 17:35




《杀手重生,我的老爸是皇帝欧阳旭苏月完本》 第21章 免费试读


Suqian took the small four token around groping, this is money ah, eyes full of envy looking at the cousin, cousin, your black token, take it to my cousin to appreciate, I have not seen it。


Su Yu walked over at this time, grabbed a golden token, handed back to Xuan Xiaofour, Say you drop money eyes are light, look at your dog legs。


Why should I show you my cousin's token Go back and sit down。

表妹的令牌干嘛要给你看,滚回去坐好The elder brother is the emperor of Northern Qi, and you also want to take what he gives, so be killed。

人家大师兄可是北齐皇帝,他给的东西你也想拿,作死吧So, grandfather, the moon is really not short of money。

所以,外祖父,月儿确实不缺钱There is no place to spend money, so you must accept my offer。

也没花钱的地方,所以,我的心意你们一定要收下Good, good, good好,好,好。

Grandfather accepted, grandfather for my Su family army thanks Yue er。

外祖父收下,外祖父替我苏家军谢谢月儿了Grandfather, we are family。

外祖父,我们是一家人Okay, family好,一家人Su Huan's old heart comforted him and his face was radiant。

苏桓老怀安慰,满脸容光Moon, the gift you prepared for us is so valuable, it seems that the gift that Uncle prepared for you is really light。

月儿,你给我们准备的礼物那么贵重,就显得大舅舅给你准备的礼物着实轻了But I've had it with me for years。

See if you like it但是是我随身多年的,你看看,喜不喜欢Su Li let people bring a black box, Su month open a look, a delicate dagger, the appearance of the dagger is low-key silver black, engraved with exquisite graphics, and inlaid with two sapphires, a look is valuable。


Sue month took out the dagger, instant finger slightly cold, this is a thousand years of iron made, really exquisite。

苏月拿出匕首,瞬间手指微寒,这是千年玄铁打造而成,真是精妙Su Yue more and more like, Thank you uncle, I like it very much。

苏月越看越喜欢,谢谢大舅舅,我很喜欢Whatever you like, whatever you like, ha ha ha。

喜欢就好,喜欢就好,哈哈哈Cousin, I've got a present for you, too。

See if you like it表妹,我也给你准备礼物了,你看看喜不喜欢Suqian jumped out again, like a treasure from the arms to take out a thing, directly set on the wrist of Sue month。

苏谦又跳出来了,献宝似的从怀里拿出一物,直接套在了苏月手腕上A blood-colored jade bracelet appeared in front of everyone, crystal clear, lined with Sue's wrist more white and slender。

一只血色的玉镯出现在众人眼前,晶莹透亮,衬的苏月的手腕更加莹白纤细Finally you can do a reliable thing, this bracelet is good, the moon wears a good look。

总算你还能做件靠谱的事,这镯子不错,月儿戴的好看Moon, grandfather's gift, I can't give it to you now, until I get back to Kyoto, I can't be angry with my grandfather。

月儿,祖父的礼物,现在不能给你,要等回到京都,可不能生外祖父的气Why, grandfather, I am very happy to see you。

I don't want any presents怎么会啊,外祖父,能见到您我已经很开心了,不要什么礼物。

I can't do that Go back to Kyoto My grandfather has a lot of good things。

那可不行,回京都,外祖父有好多好东西呢,到时候让你挑个遍Wow, cousin, you're going to do it。

哇,表妹,你要发啦Grandfather had a lot of good things, didn't he。

祖父的好东西可不少呢Suqian is a face of envy, ah, it is a pity that he is not a girl, so many good things, they this group of smelly boys do not have a share。


Cousin, big brother also prepared a special gift for you, see if you like it。

表妹,大哥也给你准备了一份特别的礼物,看看喜不喜欢Su Yu clapped his hands, and a small soldier outside the camp brought a scroll, which looked like a painting, Open it and see。

苏域拍了拍手,营帐外有个小兵拿来一个卷轴,看起来像一幅画,打开看看Sue month took over slowly open, a beautiful woman leap on the paper, she sat on the swing, smile bright。

苏月接过缓缓打开,一绝色女子跃然纸上,她坐在秋千上,笑容灿烂Su month eyes twinkle slightly, mother。

苏月眼神微闪,娘亲Su Huan also saw the woman in the painting at the moment, with red eyes。

苏桓此刻也看到了画上的女子,眼眶泛红They did not speak, Sue month looked for a long time, solemnly looked at Su Yu, Big brother, I like it, thank you。

众人没有说话,苏月看了良久,郑重的看着苏域,大哥,我很喜欢,谢谢你Just like it。

喜欢就好The portrait was the most satisfactory one that Su Yu spent a whole night painting yesterday。

画像是昨天苏域花了一晚上画出来的最满意的一幅Thinking of this little aunt, he is also very nostalgic。

想起这个小姑姑,他也很是怀念Little aunt to them several children are very good, before entering the palace, often buy them delicious food, take them out to play。

小姑姑对他们几个孩子都很好,没入宫之前,经常给他们买好吃的,带他们出去玩Su Yu is the oldest of the grandchildren, and this aunt is also the closest, and now。

ah, things have changed苏域是孙子辈里最大的,跟这个姑姑也是最亲近的,而如今···哎,物是人非啊。

See everyone depressed, Su Yu immediately took out his gift, divert everyone's attention, cousin, I do not have the big brother talented, nor the third brother so rich, but I。

my gift is also very good, you see看众人情绪低落,苏羽立马拿出自己的礼物,转移大家的注意力,表妹,我没有大哥有才华,也没老三那么有钱,但我···我的礼物也很好的,你看。

Said mysteriously took out a small cloth bag from his arms。

说着神秘兮兮的从怀里拿出一个小布包Sue month took over, opened directly in front of everyone, found inside is a small round box, just opened there is a fragrance came, next to the Xuanxiaosan first found wrong, immediately in the past to close the box。


Third brother, what's wrong三师兄,怎么了The smell is poisonous。

这香味有毒Everyone was shocked众人皆惊Boy, what are you doing giving your cousin a poisonous substance。

You're itching臭小子,你拿一个有毒的东西给你表妹干啥,你是皮痒了是吧。

Su Huan was the first to swear苏桓第一个骂出声 。










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