

时间:2024-03-16 16:58




《重生不舔校草后,反被他求婚啦》 第20章 免费试读


Nooooo没…No没有呀Sujani hands and feet cold, see can not avoid, quickly manage the small face collapse expression, raised a forced business smile, what a coincidence, you also like to take stairs。


Chi Yu did not answer迟域没回答He put his hands in his pockets and continued to push his black sneakers toward her, their tips almost touching hers。

他双手插兜,继续踢着黑色球鞋朝她压去,鞋尖几乎抵着她的鞋尖才停The two drew closer together。

两人的距离拉得更近He doesn't talk他不说话Sujani did not speak again。

苏迦妮也没再说话There was a stalemate僵持着The light is off。

灯灭The stairwell was dark and quiet楼梯间陷入一片漆黑,很安静。

Sujani was holding in her unsteady breath and did not dare to breathe out。

苏迦妮憋着不太稳的气,没敢喘出来Mouth slightly open, breathing carefully。

小口微张着,小心翼翼地呼吸She could not see Chi Yu's expression, but she could feel the cold air he pressed over, the cool breath wrapped around her, as if it could dip into her internal organs。


He seemed angry他,好像很生气In the dark, every second is suffering。

黑暗里,过的每一秒都煎熬The lag area is close迟域离得近Sujani couldn't stand it。

苏迦妮挨不住She stamped her foot, the light was on, and she actively called him, Chi Yu。

她跺了跺脚,灯亮,她主动喊他,迟域Huh嗯Excuse me让一让No不让…Sujani looked up at him in the dim light and saw his tired face, his cold expression, his cold dark eyes staring at her。


The eyes, scary眼神,骇人She bit her lips, trying to say something but not knowing what to say。

她咬着唇瓣,想说什么又不知道该说什么Chi Yulike had an insight into her brain circuit and compassionately opened his mouth to remind her。

迟域像是洞察了她的脑回路,大发慈悲地开口提醒她Sujani, explain苏迦妮,解释。

Solve解…Explain what解释什么Reasons to avoid me。

躲我的理由I didn't我没Hide ah two words have not said export, and was Sugani live swallow down, Chi Yu eyes too cold。

躲呀两个字还没说出口,又被苏迦妮生生咽了下去,迟域的眼神太过冷戾He said in a cold voice, Run after lifting, kick after using。

他冷着声,撩完就跑,用完就踹Eight words sum up the rumors between her and him after she left Beijing。

八个字总结她离京后,她和他之间的传闻Sujani also heard, suddenly guilty。

苏迦妮也有所耳闻,顿时心虚I'm not我不是You better not be。

你最好不是What if, I say, what if如果,我说如果是呢Ah呵。

A cold hum, nothing said, and everything in it。

一声冷哼,什么都没说,又什么都在里面Sujani had a shiver, past life, the first time she saw Chi Yu so terrible。

苏迦妮打了个寒颤,前世今生,她第一次见迟域这么可怕He looked very, very angry, and her neck was cold from his eyes, as if it would be lost in the next second。

他看起来很很很生气,她的脖颈被他的眼神扫得凉飕飕的,仿佛下一秒就会保不住She did not dare to lie again, and had to try to find a breakthrough in sophistry。

她没敢再睁眼说瞎话,只得想方设法找突破口来狡辩Where do you want me to start。

你想让我从哪开始解释College volunteer大学志愿The four words seem to pop out from between the teeth of the late area, and the ice is cold, as if the export is braving the cold。

四个字像是从迟域的牙缝里蹦出来,冰冰冷冷的,仿佛出口都冒着寒气She's the one who talks about the college entrance exam every day。

天天挂嘴边说考清大的是她She was the one who got in and didn't apply。

最后考上了却没填报的也是她Sujani met him eating people gnawing bone like eyes, soft voice to say that set of bad speech。

苏迦妮迎着他吃人啃骨头般的眼神,软声说起那套说烂的陈词It's not that I don't want to go to Qing University, just, I'm suddenly very interested in studying medicine, so I filled in Su Medical University。

不是我不想上清大,就,我突然对学医很感兴趣,所以填了苏医大My grandfather three or two needles cure Lin warm hand shaking, this thing you have heard。

我外公三两针治好林暖的手抖,这事你听说过吧I got the idea of studying medicine because of this, and it got out of hand。

我就是因为这个生了学医的念头,一发不可收拾Chi Yu stared at her, Qing University also has a medical school。

迟域盯着她,清大也有医学院I know that, too我也知道啊Sujani showed a sad expression, I also studied the Qing University Medical Department, but found that I could not afford to read。

苏迦妮露出痛心疾首的表情,我当时也研究过清大医学部,却发现读不起…Studying medicine is costly。

学医苦成本高In contrast, Su Medical University, which is very sincere, is more suitable for me。

相比之下,很有诚意的苏医大更适合我Plus, my grandfather is in Sioux City, so I can spend more time with him while I study there。

再加上我外公在苏市,我在那边读书,也能多陪陪他Chi Yu dark eyebrows slightly unobtrusive to the center of the brow squeeze, what sincerity。

迟域漆黑的眉毛微不可察地往眉心里挤,什么诚意Sujani like difficult to speak, in the late field terrible eyes, soft voice slowly exit, On, free tuition and scholarships。


That sounds reasonable听起来合情合理Chi Yu voice colder, Su home is not assets over 100 million。

迟域声音更冷,苏家不是资产过亿Sujani peach blossom eyes set tears, soft voice like sobbing, released a big move, Chi Yu, my parents, divorced。

苏迦妮桃花眼里凝出泪水,娇软的声音如泣如诉,放出大招,迟域,我爸妈,离婚了None of them are going to put me through college。

他们都不打算供我读大学…Chi Yu body bullying people cold suddenly convergence half, sorry。

迟域周身凌人的冷顿时收敛了大半,抱歉It doesn't matter没关系Sujani felt that the game was over, secretly relieved in the heart, In fact, I am now self-reliant, it is good。

苏迦妮感觉这局过了,暗暗在心里松了口气,其实我现在自力更生,也挺好Chi Yu condescending, then noticed that her head of the inferior scrunchie branched out of the yellow rubber band, the rubber band was very thin, he was silent and did not answer。


The tip of the black sneaker moved away from the white tip and moved toward the stair door。

黑色球鞋的鞋尖离开白色鞋尖,挪了方向,朝楼梯门走去 。










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