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《重生不舔校草后,反被他求婚啦迟域苏迦妮》 第15章 免费试读


第15章What the hell什么玩意儿A custom gift定制礼物When did she order the gift and deliver it to what address。

她什么时候定制了礼物,又送到了什么指定地址Ygghh呀High school memories hit me。

高中的记忆突然袭击Sujani sat on a chair in her college dorm, stunned。

苏迦妮坐在大学宿舍的椅子上,呆若木鸡Kani迦妮Let's go and have breakfast。

走了,吃早餐去Come on, you'll be alone now, Kani。

快走啦,就等你一个人了喏迦妮Quick, quick快快快You go first。

你们先去吧What's the matter怎么了You're not okay。

你有事HMM嗯No matter有事It's a big deal天大的事She won't be able to eat any more of this breakfast。

这早餐她是吃不下一点了Sujani has remembered that in April, she has not been born again, or a simple love brain。

苏迦妮已经想起来,4月份时,她还没有重生,还是单纯的恋爱脑一枚In order to be able to give Chi Yu a special 18-year-old adult gift at the end of October, she customized a pair of platinum diamond cufflinks for Chi Yu。


To thank him for helping her get into Qing University as a gimmick。

以答谢他帮她考上清大为噱头送She provides personal inspiration and personalized designs by top designers, handmade, luxury packaging。

她亲自提供灵感再由顶级设计师设计出个性化样式,手工制作,奢侈包装Delivery is also included。

也包配送At that time, she left the address of the late home manor, and the time was Chi Yu's birthday, which is today。

她当时留的是迟家庄园的地址,留的时间是迟域生日当天,也就是今天This is the most expensive gift she gave Chi Yu, spent her small savings and pocket money living expenses, directly led to her rebirth, in addition to the pre-stored campus card, penniless。


Reborn, she did not remember this matter for a while, and did not ask about the progress, and now, this pair of cufflinks, has actually been sent to the late family Manor。


Heeeelp救命Sujani's face was extremely ugly。

苏迦妮脸色极其难看She remembered that at that time, she had the gall to tell the customer service that the gift was for her future boyfriend, and she was going to secretly poke and express her love, and the customer service sweetly said that she could give her a gold foil card to enchant, and she really left a message。


That's amazing简直了Sukanidon felt her hands and feet cold。

苏迦妮顿感手脚冰凉At this time, the roommates went to breakfast, the dormitory was left alone, quiet, empty, Sujani shook hands, picked up the water in the thermos cup, drink one after another。


The hot water poured down and she warmed a little。

热水灌下去,她稍稍暖和了些Put down the water cup, picked up the pen on the table and turned it around, round and round。

放下水杯,拿起桌面上的笔转了起来,一圈又一圈For a long time许久许久。

Sujani had an idea, have to take the gift back, absolutely absolutely can not let Chi Yu see it。

苏迦妮有了想法,得把礼物拿回来,绝对绝对不能让迟域看到它She first called the enthusiastic customer service, who was as enthusiastic as ever and talked to her a lot。

她先给那位热心的客服打电话,客服一如既往热情,跟她叽里呱啦说了很多All the prominent people in Beijing know that today is Chi Shao's 18th birthday, and we all know that these shops are almost every one of them。


The little brother of our distribution said that the late home manor could be busy there, the car was blocked early in the morning, and many wealthy businessmen also personally went to give gifts。

我司配送的小哥说,迟家庄园那边可热闹了,大清早就堵了车,很多富商还亲自去送礼He waited for a long time, but the gift was finally sent in, and he also registered you in the list of gifts for Miss Su, leaving Miss Su your telephone number, and he didn't write down the address if he didn't know it。


Although sent in, but as our younger brother, can only be sent to the outside door, you understand。

虽然送进去了,但以我们小哥的身份,只能送到外门,这您懂的吧I have a photo of the registration feedback and I can send it to you if you want to see it。

我这有登记反馈的照片,如果您要看,我可以发给您No, thank you不用,谢谢。

I wish you success in advance提前祝您成功Thank。

谢Thanks谢Sujani hung up the phone, and her panic suddenly subsided。

苏迦妮挂了电话,顿时就没那么慌了In a previous life, her gift was also sent to the late home estate, but Chi Yu himself seemed not to receive, she never saw him wear the pair of cufflinks she sent, even after marriage to help him sort out items, she has not seen。


Now that I think about it, it was probably taken care of by my assistant in the public relations department。

现在想想,大概率是被迟家公关部的助理处理掉了She chased Chi Yu for so many years, and married into the late home for two years, is to know some inside information。

她追迟域这么多年,又嫁进迟家两年,是知道点内情的To give gifts to Chi family, there are internal and external doors。

给迟家送礼,有内外门之分The inner door is a formal invitation。

内门是正儿八经邀请来的客人The outer door is trying to curry favor with the Chi family。

外门就是想巴结迟家的人Gifts sent to the outside door of the manor are almost all registered in the collection book, and then handled by the assistants of the public relations department, and at the same time, they are returned in accordance with the corresponding specifications。


Extremely valuable ones are reported to the old housekeeper, who decides。

极其贵重的才会被上报给老管家,由他来决定This part of the gift, the Chi family will not look at it。

这部分礼物,迟家人是看都不会看一眼的Sujani thought of this layer, the panic in my heart disappeared a lot。

苏迦妮想到这层,心里的慌乱消了不少In order to ensure that in case, Su Yani pulled Zhou Mingxi and Xie Xiaoshun's circle of friends from the blacklist。

为了确保万一,苏迦妮把周洺玺和谢骁舜的朋友圈都从黑名单里拉出来And sure enough。

果然She brushed Xie Xiaoshun just posted the picture, taking the outside door of the late family manor。

她刷到谢骁舜刚晒的图,拍的是迟家庄园的外门Luxuriously wrapped gift boxes, one on top of the other, piled up。

包装华丽奢侈的礼物盒,一个叠着一个,堆积如山Just about every color is just as colorful。

姹紫嫣红,什么颜色都有Caption配文It's only ten o 'clock in the morning, and it's just outside the door of Chi's home。

【这才早上十点啊,还只是在迟家外门】A lot of comments below。

下面一大堆评论Happy birthday to Chi Yu祝迟域生日快乐Smile and ask Chi Yu open so many gifts, will not be soft。

笑问迟域拆这么多礼物,会不会手软Even Lin Nuan also gave Xie Xiaoshun a thumbs-up。

就连林暖也给谢骁舜点了个赞Sujani was more relieved苏迦妮更放心了。

Gifts piled up more than she imagined, but also definitely more expensive than she sent, her small cufflinks, certainly can not reach Chi Yu hands。

礼物堆得比她想象的还要多,也绝对比她送的贵重,她的小小袖扣,肯定到不了迟域手里Thank God。

谢天谢地Then she didn't have to ask Lin Nuan to make an extra trip。

那她就没必要叫林暖多跑一趟After a while, the roommates started coming back。

没一会儿,室友们陆续回来Kani, you haven't been out all morning。

迦妮,你一早上没出去Didn't eat or go to study没吃饭也没去上自习。

HMM嗯Sujani realized that she had wasted a whole morning。

苏迦妮惊觉她浪费了一早上的时间Is your matter settled你的事解决了。

It's solved解决了I did nothing but stare into space, make phone calls, browse moments, stare into space, but Sujani felt it was too much to celebrate。

什么也没做,就是发呆,打电话,刷朋友圈,发呆,但苏迦妮感觉这太值得庆祝Invite you to lunch。

请你们去吃中饭Where do you want to eat想去哪吃呀Canteen bar。

食堂吧I choose the canteen, too我也选食堂Just the canteen。

I have to walk for half a day and wait for food to be served anywhere else, which is a waste of time。

I still have some class notes I haven't memorized thoroughly。

就食堂吧,去别的地方还得走半天又得等出菜,浪费时间,我还有些课堂笔记没背透Sujani then remembered that she, too, had books to read。

苏迦妮这才想起来她也有书还没看Well, well, well, she shouldn't have wasted her time。

哎哎哎,她就不该浪费这时间The next day第二天It was the weekend。

刚好是周末Early in the morning, Sujani's cell phone rang。

一大清早,苏迦妮的手机就响了起来This is an unknown caller。

The number belongs to Beijing陌生的来电,号码归属地为京市。

What does she think Hit the answer button。

她想到什么,划开接听键As she expected, on the other side of the phone was Chi's public relations assistant, saying a bunch of words, thanking her for sending the gift, and then subtly asking her for the address。


Obviously trying to return the favor明显是想要给她回礼。

Sujani politely refused苏迦妮委婉地拒绝The assistant insisted。

那助理坚持There is a stalemate僵持不下Sujani took a step back。

苏迦妮退一步Well, I don't want anything in return。

How about I give you my address and you send me my gift。

那好吧,我不需要什么回礼,不如这样,我给您地址,您把我送的礼物再给我寄过来Sujani wanted to get rid of the cufflinks once and for all, especially the gold-leaf confession card。

苏迦妮想彻底将那袖扣毁尸灭迹,尤其是那张金箔表白卡片…It is这It's这…I'm afraid it's not convenient。

恐怕不方便What's the inconvenience哪不方便Sukani thought, maybe the gift has been disposed of, then this is really inconvenient。

苏迦妮想到,可能是礼物已经被处理掉了,那这确实不方便No wonder the assistant faltered。

难怪这助理说得支支吾吾的Miss Su, we have prepared other beautiful gifts for you in return for your wishes sent yesterday。

苏小姐,我们已经为您准备了其他精美的礼物,以答谢您昨天送来的祝福Ok行Sujani did not embarrass her again, and gave her her address in Su Medical University。

苏迦妮没再为难她,给她报了她在苏医大的地址The assistant was so happy that Sujani could hear the caper in her voice。

助理开心极了,苏迦妮都能听出她声音里的雀跃Miss Su, the gift will be delivered by noon tomorrow at the latest, please check it。

苏小姐,礼物最晚明天中午就会送到,拜托您千万千万要查收So soon这么快Very efficient。

办事效率真高Sujani hung up the phone, didn't think much of it, and plunged into her planned studies。

苏迦妮挂了电话,没多想,投入她计划好的学习 。










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